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Court Filing Fees For Civil Actions in Ontario Superior Courts

Updated: Feb 11, 2023

The below list of common Ontario Superior Court filing fees are current from April 1, 2019:

- Statement of Claim: $229.00

- Notice of Application: $229.00

- Notice of Intent to Defend: $183.00

- Notice of Appearance: $162.00

- Statement of Defence: $183.00

- Statement of Defence & Counterclaim adding party: $229.00

- A Third Party Claim: $229.00

- Notice of Motion: $320.00

- Trial Record: $810.00

- A Jury Notice: $130.00

- Issuance of a Summons to a Witness: $31.00

- Consent Order Dismissing Action: $320.00

- A Notice of Appeal: $229.00

- A Writ of Execution: $73.00

- A Notice of Garnishment or Notice of Renewal of Garnishment: $146.00

* Please note that the above noted list of Court filing fees is non-exhaustive and does not include any applicable and/or associated legal fees, transaction levies, and/or process server fees or any other applicable fees or disbursements associated with any given matter. The above is for general information purposes only and is not to be construed as legal advice and/or a bill of costs, as your specific situation may differ. The above non-exhaustive list of Ontario Superior Court filing fees may change and be updated from time to time.*

For more information on your specific situation speak to one of our litigation lawyers by booking a consultation online at, emailing us at, or reaching us by phone at 416-512-2529, and we would be happy to arrange a consultation in order to assist you.


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